IMF Working Papers by Author

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Title: Do Financial Markets Value Quality of Fiscal Governance?
Author/Editor: Kady Keita,Gene L. Leon,Frederico Lima
Series: Working Paper No. 19/218
Date: October 11, 2019
Title: The U.S. Oil Supply Revolution and the Global Economy
Author/Editor: Kamiar Mohaddes ; Mehdi Raissi
Series: Working Paper No. 15/259
Date: December 10, 2015
Subject(s): Oil | United States | Middle East | North Africa | Oil production | Supply and demand | Oil prices | Economic growth | Vector autoregression | Econometric models
Title: Can Italy Grow Out of Its NPL Overhang? A Panel Threshold Analysis
Author/Editor: Kamiar Mohaddes,Mehdi Raissi,Anke Weber
Series: Working Paper No. 17/66
Date: March 24, 2017
Title: Fiscal Implications of Government Wage Bill Spending
Author/Editor: Kamil Dybczak,Mercedes Garcia-Escribano
Series: Working Paper No. 19/10
Date: January 15, 2019
Title: Does A Regional Trade Agreement Lessen or Exacerbate Growth Volatility? An Empirical Investigation
Author/Editor: Kangni Kpodar ; Patrick A. Imam
Series: Working Paper No. 15/177
Date: July 28, 2015
Subject(s): Regional trade | Bilateral trade agreements | Economic growth | External shocks | Developed countries | Developing countries | Econometric models
Title: Dynamic Fuel Price Pass-Through : Evidence from a New Global Retail Fuel Price Database
Author/Editor: Kangni R Kpodar ; Chadi Abdallah
Series: Working Paper No. 16/254
Date: December 23, 2016
Subject(s): Fuels | Oil | Commodity price shocks | Oil product prices | Gasoline prices | Price increases | Middle East | North Africa | Europe | Developed countries | Emerging markets
Title: Financial Deepening, Terms of Trade Shocks, and Growth Volatility in Low-Income Countries
Author/Editor: Kangni R Kpodar,Maelan Le Goff,Raju J Singh
Series: Working Paper No. 19/68
Date: March 25, 2019
Title: Export Competitiveness - Fuel Price Nexus in Developing Countries: Real or False Concern?
Author/Editor: Kangni R Kpodar,Stefania Fabrizio,Kodjovi M. Eklou
Series: Working Paper No. 19/25
Date: February 04, 2019
Title: Structural Quarterly Projection Model for Belarus
Author/Editor: Karel Musil,Mikhail Pranovich,Jan Vlcek
Series: Working Paper No. 18/254
Date: December 07, 2018
Title: A World Trade Leading Index (WTLI)
Author/Editor: Karim Barhoumi ; Laurent Ferrara
Series: Working Paper No. 15/20
Date: January 26, 2015
Subject(s): International trade | Cyclical indicators | Indicators of economic activity | Data analysis
Title: Stochastic Trends, Debt Sustainability and Fiscal Policy
Author/Editor: Karim Barhoumi ; Reda Cherif ; Nooman Rebei
Series: Working Paper No. 16/59
Date: March 10, 2016
Subject(s): Fiscal policy | Government expenditures | Public debt | Business cycles | Debt sustainability | Developing countries | Developed countries | General equilibrium models | Stochastic analysis
Title: Monetary Policy with Negative Interest Rates: Decoupling Cash from Electronic Money
Author/Editor: Katrin Assenmacher,Signe Krogstrup
Series: Working Paper No. 18/191
Date: August 27, 2018
Title: Introducing a New Broad-based Index of Financial Development
Author/Editor: Katsiaryna Svirydzenka
Series: Working Paper No. 16/5
Date: January 12, 2016
Subject(s): Financial institutions | Financial markets | Access to capital markets | Financial indicators | Financial systems
Title: An Empirical Investigation of Oil-Macro-Financial Linkages in Saudi Arabia
Author/Editor: Ken Miyajima
Series: Working Paper No. 16/22
Date: February 12, 2016
Subject(s): Oil | Saudi Arabia | Oil prices | Banks | Credit expansion | Non-performing loans | Balance sheets | Panel analysis | Vector autoregression
Title: What Influences Bank Lending in Saudi Arabia?
Author/Editor: Ken Miyajima
Series: Working Paper No. 17/31
Date: February 13, 2017
Title: Exchange Rate Volatility and Pass-Through to Inflation in South Africa
Author/Editor: Ken Miyajima
Series: Working Paper No. 19/277
Date: December 13, 2019
Title: Inflation Expectations Anchoring Across Different Types of Agents: the Case of South Africa
Author/Editor: Ken Miyajima,James Yetman
Series: Working Paper No. 18/177
Date: August 02, 2018
Title: Is Capping Executive Bonuses Useful?
Author/Editor: Kentaro Asai
Series: Working Paper No. 16/196
Date: September 29, 2016
Subject(s): Bonus | Employee compensation | Banks | Investment | Risk management | Labor markets | Labor mobility | Econometric models
Title: The Macro-Fiscal Aftermath of Weather-Related Disasters: Do Loss Dimensions Matter?
Author/Editor: Kerstin Gerling
Series: Working Paper No. 17/235
Date: November 08, 2017
Title: Fiscal Crises
Author/Editor: Kerstin Gerling,Paulo A Medas,Tigran Poghosyan,Juan Farah-Yacoub,Yizhi Xu
Series: Working Paper No. 17/86
Date: April 03, 2017